Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal

Shaving and waxing are the two most common hair removal solutions.  However, razor burn and irritation are very real hair removal problems that most of us can do without. Unwanted body hair can have a deep impact on our confidence, therefore simply not shaving may be out of the question for some. Thankfully, having clean, hairless skin doesn’t have to cause so much anxiety and discomfort. At Turner Medical Arts, we are excited to offer our Palomar Vectus laser hair removal system to the wonderful people of Santa Barbara. This powerful laser device is made to offer fast hair removal results and long-lasting smoothness without downtime.


*Individual results may vary; not a guarantee.

Woman lying on a bed with her legs in the air

What Is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is the process of using heated energy to zap hair follicles at their source, diminishing the appearance of body hair and extending regrowth rate. The Palmor Vectus laser hair treatment, in particular, is one of the fastest and safest lasers available to carry out this treatment. This unique device uses a diode laser designed to work safely with all skin types and tones, dark or light. The attached Skintel Melanin Reader measures the exact pigment level of any given skin type and adjusts the laser’s power to accommodate it. This state of the art design provides the highest level of safety and efficacy.

Palomar Vectus Treatment Procedure

The Vectus’s powerful diode system provides high-volume hair reduction quickly and easily. A typical unwanted hair treatment at Turner Medical Arts lasts for five minutes per treatment area. During this time, the Vectus’s special sapphire tip attachment works quickly, applying hot, focused light to the roots of your hair while leaving the rest of your skin cool. This advanced cooling system offers a comfortable treatment experience while minimizing discomfort.

Laser Hair Removal Results

After your laser hair reduction treatment, long term results can be expected for up to nine months.* In most cases, 8-10 treatments are recommended for optimal results.* Since different areas of the body are treated differently, some sessions need to be spaced 4-6 weeks apart while others may be spaced 6-8 weeks apart. The Palomar Vectus is currently the only FDA-approved laser hair removal system on the market. Due to its safety, speed, and efficiency, the Vectus is our preferred laser hair reduction treatment method.

Before & After Photos

Laser Hair Removal in Santa Barbara, California

Are you struggling with unwanted body hair? Consider giving the Palomar Vectus system a try. Our dedicated staff at Turner Medical Arts is here to facilitate all of your unwanted hair removal needs. To learn more about the Vectus and our other services, please request an appointment by calling (805) 962-1957 or filling out the form below.

Woman sitting on the floor



Start your journey with the experienced team at Turner Medical Arts in Santa Barbara. Fill out the form below or call (805) 962-1957 to request your appointment.

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