

Traveling to a clinic for a quick consultation can be needlessly time-consuming and difficult for some of us. Those on bed rest following plastic surgery or a complicated procedure can find the trudge especially tough. Besides, sometimes we want to ask a couple of simple questions and feel that a phone call might be just a bit too impersonal. At Turner Medical Arts, we provide our patients with the opportunity to speak virtually with our doctors. Telemedicine is an effective way to get the consultation you seek without fear of losing that personalized touch.

What Is Telemedicine?

Telemedicine is a convenient way for you to meet with your doctor or submit information without having to travel and wait to be admitted to our center. Our Intouch telemedicine platform facilitates seamless, long-distance patient and doctor contact, care, education, monitoring, and remote admissions. InTouch is HIPAA Compliant, works well across all devices, and is easy to use for patients and doctors both. Paperwork filled out through our platform can be sent back instantly, allowing us to begin the important part of attending to your needs as quickly as possible.

How Can Telemedicine Help Me?

Telemedicine can help you save time by allowing you to submit paperwork, check on medical tests, and connect with doctors remotely. When you connect with one of our doctors through Intouch, you will enjoy a personalized and seamless line of communication. By getting in touch virtually, you save yourself the trouble of travel and can enjoy the full benefits of speaking to a medical professional live from the comfort of your own home.

Telemedicine Virtual Visit Menu

Once you determine the area of specialty that your concern is situated in, you can select your provider below and get in touch quickly!

Duncan Turner,


  • GYN Services
  • Second Opinion
  • Surgery Consultation
  • Vaginal Rejuvenation Consultation

Telemedicine Services in Santa Barbara, California

At Turner Medical Arts, we pride ourselves on providing convenient service to our patients. If you are interested in learning more about our telemedicine services, please call (805) 962-1957. If you want to come in for an in-office visit, please fill out the form below. We look forward to your visit!

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